Search Results for: video
“Internet Of Bodies” – Turning the Body Into a Wire – Transhumanism & Nano-tech
This is the technical continuation of the fascist, transhumanist, technocratic movement, melding physical with digital, each ‘internet of body’ device an incremental invasion of our physical selves, each vaccine an…
Agenda 21 exposed – Our world but not as we know it
Agenda 21 exposed – Our world but not as we know it
The Great Reset vs Nature Round Table discussion with Alison McDowell and Deepti Datt. Hosted by Yogeeta Mistry.
The Ugly Truth about Sustainable Development
The Ugly Truth about Sustainable Development and the nefarious underbelly of what it really means
How To Create Heaven On Earth by Dr. Bruce Lipton
A video every human alive today needs to see and fully embody…
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich / Kary Mullis – Misuse of PCR tests EXPOSED – Worst Crime Against Humanity Ever
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of the extra-parliamentary commission (German-language link) looking into the coronavirus situation in Germany. As a long-term lawyer, he has a very good grasp of what…
Plandemic 2 – INDOCTORNATION & Everything Else You Needed To Know About CO(N)VID-19
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19…
Sandi speaks before the pro-freedom rally inc. David Icke & German Doctor Arrested in London, Saturday 26th September
Sandi Adams speaks at the London rally about Agenda 21/2030 David Icke also spoke shortly thereafter. Here is his speech. WOW! Youtube already deleted it (that took less than…
The Frankfurt School – Didn’t they do well?
By Sally Exoudhu. Sovereign Independent. Don’t skate over the following article, pay attention to the accuracy of the content and the damning evidence pertaining to the Frankfurt School and it’s…