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World Economic Forum launches PR exercise in transhumansim and the Cybernetic dream…”the Internet of Bodies”


You might be happy to accept electronic chips implanted in your brain, to effectively regulate your reality and experience… Maybe you really desire the latest experiemental untested vaccine and would like to know how you can promote this agenda of […]

You might be happy to accept electronic chips implanted in your brain, to effectively regulate your reality and experience…

Maybe you really desire the latest experiemental untested vaccine and would like to know how you can promote this agenda of unaccountable poisoning of the population…

Perhaps the good old human body just isn’t good enough for you….

If you’re not sure, allow the WEF (btw. the bad guys team) to convince you of the value and conveneince of allowing an unaccountalbe authority control you like a robot.

After all the cybernetic, trans-human vision does offer the opportunity to permanently entangle your body with technology.

The Internet of Bodies is the logical progression from the Internet of Things – to complete the full-spectral dominance of the human population.

To subject yourself to the finest propaganda and normalisation training available, and willingly accept the exponential growth of technology not known to the public, please visit:

Read the PDF below “Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New Challenges of Technology Governance.”


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