Plandemic 2 – INDOCTORNATION & Everything Else You Needed To Know About CO(N)VID-19
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that…
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that…
If ever there was an investigtive journalist to earn ‘legend’ status, John Pilger stands amongst the top 3. His stunning…
Jeff Berwick interviews Charlie Robinson, author of ‘The Octopus Of Global Control’ Topics include: who is in control? tentacles everywhere,…
By Sally Exoudhu. Sovereign Independent. Don’t skate over the following article, pay attention to the accuracy of the content and…
A vital examination of Russia’s 20th Century history, including the deep, murderous tactics of the Marxist State, the Gulags and…
One of the finest, most succinct and well-presented lectures on the “citizen-SHIP”, the Vatican, symbology, maritime law, the law of…
Earth United – Christopher James interview about restoration of justice, common law courts and reclaiming sovereignty.
James Corbett doing what he does best – investigative journalism. Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health Part…
THE ABOVE IS A 7 MINUTE EXCERPT OF THE FULL 4 HOUR PODCAST Available here How Behavioral Scientists Terrify and…
Vernon Coleman gives his take on the world depopulation program.