Welcome to my website everyone, and I’m glad that you’ve stopped by to allow me to present the overwhelming evidence of a plot so devious and dangerous in its nature, that full awareness of the project known as “Agenda 21” or “Agenda 2030” must be brought to common public attention. I’m playing my part in helping to disentangle the truth from the lies on this website.
It’s hard to know where to start – I’ve included links to essential viewing or reading as I go through the my explanations. Where possible, I will try to include references. Please note: this is a work in progress and evolving.
It is indicative of a longer plan of human population control and world domination that has its roots and tentacles spread far and wide through-out all areas of modern life and culture for over 130 years. It dictates what we see, hear, buy, eat, feel, how we behave and how the “status quo” is maintained and how the grand global chess game is played out and perceived by all. It has infiltrated the money supply, politics, corporations, social life, education, religion, law and order, military, health – literally few areas are left untouched.
It’s controlled by the mass information establishments, the corporations, with an ever-increasing full-spectrum strangle-hold on a scale never before enabled like it is today.
Knowledge is power and time is getting very short. This might be humanity’s last chance to bring about a less cataclysmic and more awakened solution – it all depends on us to decrease the fear through awakening to both the inner and outer truth.
For this journey, Start Here.
Latest Articles
Interview with myself, Debbi Evans and Roger Meacock for the UK Column "Dear Farmer " series. This was produced in 3 parts for farmers to understand how the New World ...
CONNECTING THE DOTS AND LIES UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development, COVID 19, Climate Change, The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Great Reset and how they are all part of the ...
MIT Technology Review Expand menu Humans and technology A doctor and medical ethicist argues life after 75 is not worth living Ezekiel Emanuel questions “whether our consumption is worth our ...
THE REAL MEANING AND ORIGINS OF THE GREAT RESET We all need to understand that this ‘Great Reset’ was not just suddenly dreamed up because the world was suffering from ...
This is the technical continuation of the fascist, transhumanist, technocratic movement, melding physical with digital, each 'internet of body' device an incremental invasion of our physical selves, each vaccine an ...
Sandi Adams Trafalgar Square Freedom Protest filmed on 29 September 2020 ...
A video every human alive today needs to see and fully embody ...
This article from Bylines.com by caught my eye this week. I have mentioned in my previous posts about the Technocracy movement having it's roots in eugenics. This movement (1930's) revived ...
A brand new Australian documentary about the way the media is used to push agendas and silence critics of many agendas, but specifically, in this case, viruses, vaccines, health and ...
"The bones of Agenda 21/2030 were laid out in a series of Club of Rome reports , one of the first being Limits to Growth (1971) this was mainly about ...
The World Doctors Alliance is an international movement of medical professionals who all hold the evidence of covid-19 as completely manufactured and have the evidence to show it. They held ...
You might be happy to accept electronic chips implanted in your brain, to effectively regulate your reality and experience... Maybe you really desire the latest experiemental untested vaccine and would ...
Alison McDowell is a tireless campaigner and researcher for the sanctity of the education system and uncovering the global attempt by Corporations to weaponise computerised education systems, to both create ...
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of the extra-parliamentary commission (German-language link) looking into the coronavirus situation in Germany. As a long-term lawyer, he has a very good grasp of what ...
A pretty much comprehensive expose of the dark energies including, among many others, the CIA & Disney behind modern mass media and entertainment, dating back to the 1930's, with conceptual ...
In this documentary, Zuboff takes the lid off Google and Facebook and reveals a merciless form of capitalism in which no natural resources, but the citizen itself, serves as a ...
THE WORLD ORDER – HOW IT WORKS Mujahid Kamran 21 July 2017 _ “The bandits of the World Order have succeeded in robbing the whole world through the technique of ...
I never expected to be writing something like this. I am an ordinary person, recently semi-retired from a career in the pharmaceutical industry and biotech, where I spent over 30 ...
Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 ...
Sandi Adams speaks at the London rally about Agenda 21/2030 David Icke also spoke shortly thereafter. Here is his speech. WOW! Youtube already deleted it (that took less than a ...
If ever there was an investigtive journalist to earn 'legend' status, John Pilger stands amongst the top 3. His stunning work over the decades has covered some of the most ...
Jeff Berwick interviews Charlie Robinson, author of 'The Octopus Of Global Control' Topics include: who is in control? tentacles everywhere, a world without leaders, inside the real estate bubble, IMF ...
By Sally Exoudhu. Sovereign Independent. Don’t skate over the following article, pay attention to the accuracy of the content and the damning evidence pertaining to the Frankfurt School and it’s ...
A vital examination of Russia's 20th Century history, including the deep, murderous tactics of the Marxist State, the Gulags and the modern extentions of the same dangerou ideology. Also looks ...
One of the finest, most succinct and well-presented lectures on the "citizen-SHIP", the Vatican, symbology, maritime law, the law of the land, human beings and sovereignty. Well worth the time ...
Earth United - https://www.earthunited.global Christopher James interview about restoration of justice, common law courts and reclaiming sovereignty. ...
James Corbett doing what he does best - investigative journalism. Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health https://www.bitchute.com/video/wQSYdAX_9JY Part Two: Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World https://lbry.tv/@corbettreport:0/gatesvaccine:b Part ...
How do you make sure that your business buddies can make the absolute most out of every opportunity? Simple, meet and plan how to profit from a scenario that you'll ...
Download the full PDF : Download booklet ...
THE ABOVE IS A 7 MINUTE EXCERPT OF THE FULL 4 HOUR PODCAST Available here How Behavioral Scientists Terrify and Manipulate the Public during the Plandemic - ALAN WATT Topics ...
Vernon Coleman gives his take on the world depopulation program ...
To move through society beginning 2021 you will be required to have a "Self Sovereign Identity" issued by a corporation in the Covid Credentials Initiative (CCI) where you will be ...
As is often the case, what is tried in the USA tends appear in the UK in one form or another. Whilst the race card is less likely to be ...
Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, talks about the inadequacy of current standards for electromagnetic ...
Operation Mockingbird Originally from www.spartacus-educational.com Sections Google, Bing and Operation Mockingbird: The CIA and Search-Engine Results Primary Sources In 1948 Frank Wisner was appointed director of the Office of ...
We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic of our lives according to the Media, the Government and the United Nations. We are witnessing an unprecedented global ...
I found a fascinating video by a tech data analyst called David Martin who runs his own analytics company in the States. He's been monitoring the financial activities of large ...
Look at this document for Government from the Agricultural Productivity Working Group. It's a report to the Food and Drink Sector Council 2020 Your future agriculture ( if we allow) ...
An urgent and new exposé of an attempt to permanently corrupt nature and our food chain by reclassifying gene-edited crops as non-GMO produce. A classic example of moving the goalposts ...
Yet another brilliant presentation about digital identities tied into educational monitoring and using blockchain tech to monetise your data and that of your children, via "Impact Investing" ...
This video is an excellent example of intelligent pre-emptive critical questioning about the education systems in the US and globally, as part of the strategy for mass compliance and control ...
Could a Zoonotic COVID-19 Outbreak be used to evacuate our Countryside? I keep hearing the word ‘Zoonotic’ being bandied about in the press in the last few days. Could this ...
Weather Modification 'Operation Cumulus' Lynmouth 1952 Floods - UK RAF Military Cloud Seeding Weather Modification 'Operation Cumulus' Lynmouth 1952 Floods - UK RAF... RAF rainmakers 'caused 1952 flood' Unearthed documents ...
Bill Gates CO2 Equation on depopulation Gates presented the following equation on a TED Talk : CO2 (total population emitted CO2 per year) = P (people) x S (services per ...
Reposted from here. All content copyright of the originator. Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Waking up to the global climate engineering reality can be overwhelming ...
It is widely known that companies are cloud seeding , to prevent "Global Warming" Here is an extensive list of known patents that involve methods or technologies to perform weather ...
Hello Lamp post Spyware. A new project that allows city dwellers to converse with urban objects begins in Bristol this July. We speak to the creators about this fascinating collision ...
A Case Study In Groupthink - Christopher Booker ...
Climate and the Money Trail Climate and the Money Trail The Green New Deal - Based on the Lie of Anthropogenic Global Warming Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Calls for “a national, ...
Nils Axel Morner on 'Zero Sea Level Rise' https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284890177_There_is_no_alarming_sea_level_rise_21st_century_science_technology Click here to download Nils-Axel 'Paper 507' Artic Sea Ice Index Study Mini Study: Arctic Sea Ice Extent cLOG[190904-2]: NSIDC’s Sea ...