Weather Modification & Geo-Engineering

Geo-engineering or ‘stratospheric geo-engineering’ or ‘solar radiation management’ (aka chemtrails) is an arrogant attempt by various government bodies, companies and parties unknown to control or affect natural weather and atmospheric conditions. There has been much controversy over so-called ‘chemtrails’ and there has been a marked effort in the last 10-15 years to bring this practise closer into public scrutiny and, hopefully, some form of control or regulation, whereby there appears to be little of this as the situation currently stands.

Evidence & Instances Of Geo-Engineering

Weather Modification 'Operation Cumulus' Lynmouth 1952 Floods - UK RAF Military Cloud Seeding Weather Modification 'Operation Cumulus' Lynmouth 1952 Floods ...

Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions

Reposted from here. All content copyright of the originator. Geoengineering: Answers To The Most Commonly Asked Questions Dane Wigington Waking ...

Geoengineering Patents & Technology

It is widely known that companies are cloud seeding , to prevent "Global Warming" Here is an extensive list of ...