
Disclaimer re Anti Semitism


My website was, in 2020, hijacked by my then webmaster, Torbin Franck, who took it upon himself to write views I did not hold, without seeking my input,  contrary to my direction. As I was busy during an intense period […]

My website was, in 2020, hijacked by my then webmaster, Torbin Franck, who took it upon himself to write views I did not hold, without seeking my input,  contrary to my direction. As I was busy during an intense period of business stress, and lockdown, this information appeared without my knowledge, on my website, and when I discovered it, I immediately asked him to take down these posts (which included a post entitled “the Truth is Anti-Semitic” and a film entitled “Europa-The Last Battle”, neither of which I agreed with at all. I required him to desist, and publish a public apology and disclaimer, given here below for your reference:

“Dear Sandi,
I’m very sorry for the trouble caused by me posting an article on your
site last year which precipitated such vociferous opposition to you. I
realise the topic is extremely difficult to approach due to the
historical and social conditions surrounding the subject. It wasn’t my
intention to suggest you support any of the ideas in the content I had
posted on your behalf, and realise that you didn’t have sufficient
editorial control at the time, as you were busy.

The association between you and anti-semitism is completely unfounded
and I know that you are not a person who entertains such beliefs, so
again, I’m sorry that someone decided to attack you and hold you
responsible for the article and extrapolate a reason to vilify you and
misrepresent your intentions.

I feel it is important for people to understand what happened here so
that you can be exonerated from any responsibility. I wish you luck for your future endeavours.

If anyone wishes to further ask me about this, they can contact me
directly on torbz@torbz.co.uk”

Torbin Franck.

I just want to make it absolutely clear that I have never spoken about holocaust denial or made any reference to anti semitic beliefs in any talks I have made , past or present and do not align myself to these ideologies.

In fact in my PowerPoint presentations, I speak about the Klaus Schwab’s Family history and that his father Eugene Schwab collaborated with the Nazis to develop nuclear technologies in their factory in Ravensburg, Germany in the 1930’s, to progress the Nazi war effort using Jewish slave labour.

Mention of any holocaust denial by me is robustly rebutted in the strongest terms.